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The word “emotion” comes from a latin root “emovere” which means “to disturb”. “E - motion” could also mean “energy in motion”. Whether our emotions disturb us, or give us positive energy depends on how we manage them.


Research suggests that most individuals find the behavioral adjustment to changes and challenges very stressful, and that stress is related to heart disease, ulcers, high blood pressure, blood sugar imbalances, weakening of the immune system, impaired thinking and psychological illnesses. Emotional Mastery is the key to dealing with oneself for holistic well-being.


This power packed training program helps you deal with stressful, emotional and difficult situations rationally and effectively. You will learn powerful Meta Mind Tools and Techniques for enhancing Emotion Management.


This program focuses on evolving emotional intelligence for building resilience, relationships and relaxation this program. This program is highly interactive, practical, informative and supportive to help develop assertiveness skills and enhance relationship management skills by managing emotions, in a range of personal and professional situations.

Topics Covered

  • Emotional Intelligence : The Concept   

  • Meta Mind Tools and Techniques for Emotion Management    

  • Self Esteem Enhancement     

  • Programming the Sub-conscious mind

  • Resilience and be relaxation

  • Basics of relationship management

  • Emotions: the energy that fuels motivation

  • Monitoring emotional intensity

  • Reaction vs. response

You will learn

  • To achieve and maintain positive behavioral changes  

  • To move from being reactive to being proactive  

  • To manage personal conflicting needs more effectively     ​

  • To emerge a stronger, more focused and balanced individual


  • To change disempowering beliefs into empowering ones  


  • To develop assertive behavior for a healthier personal and professional life


  • To deal with criticism, confrontation, low self-esteem and negativity effectively  


  • To stop self-sabotage and take effective action

  • To understand and avoid manipulation and power games

Registrations Closed. for more courses

Other details

This is a self-paced program that includes 4 hours of video recording of LIVE sessions conducted by Avinash Ananda. The recordings will be made available on Instagram, on the official private account @emotional_mastery2020. Please note: you will need an Instagram account to access the videos. After the registration is completed, your follow request will be accepted.

FOR PAYMENT & SIGN-up Instructions



This program also includes international quality course material. The day-wise assignments and course notes will be provided to you via email.


A Meta Mind Peer Coach will be assigned to you if needed, who will be happy to guide you through the program, clarify the concepts, and help you with customized feedback on your assignments.

The online international certificate of participation will be awarded to you after the completion of the course and submission of all assignments.


₹10,000   ₹5,000   or   €130   €65



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